CrossFit Monkey Rig Description
CrossFit monkey rig as the name says is Multi station fitness equipment on which 7 to 8 athletes can work out on different stations. It is a all in one functional training, boxing, lifting, body weight training equipment for age group above 6 years. The equipment is fully fabricated by 8 mm, 10mm m.s plate and 12mm, 16mm hexagonal bolts for easy assembly as its design can be changed as per requirement and multiple accessories can be fitted. The structure is fully hot dip galvanised for rust protection and is painted with zinc spray. Material of foundation square pipe is “B” class Jindal and Apollo of wall thickness 3.5mm. Stainless steel 304 or heavy duty “C” class pipe of mild steel can be used as per order. Artificial grass flooring, solid rubber sheets, foam sheets can be used to minimise injuries while landing or doing any other activities on the rig.
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1. Long Pull Up Bar
- Ø28 mm G.I. pipe of length 2400mm (8ft).
- Extra rib plate given for max load holding.
- Long pull up bar is designed to do pull up and chin up.
- One can move across the bar’s full length.
Exercise To Do:
- Toes to Bar
- Dead hang
2. Wall Climbing Ball Grips
- Ø73 mm steel ball welded and bolted to rectangular frame which is again attached to the Rig.
- Wall climbing ball are used to develop strong grip strength in a person.
- It overall engages your forearm, biceps and shoulder strength also builds a strong core.
Exercise To Do:
- Climbing from one point to another.
- Zig zag climbing.
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3. Muscle Up Bar
- Triangle of length 470mm done on laser cutting and fitted with Ø28 mm rods on 3 edges.
- Length of rods is 2400mm or 8 feet.
- It is a triangular bar welded with 3 metal pipes where people of all ages can do various activities.
- With additional attachment the TRX suspensiontrainer one can train his core.
Exercise To Do:
- Pull Ups
- Chin Ups
- Muscle Ups
- Toes to Bar
- Windscreen Wipes
4. Land Mine
- Bolted to the Rig with a metal pipe length 220 X 8mm thick with help of 3 bearings.
- Sleeve size of ID-25 mm and OD-35 mm with length 240mm to accommodate bar of length 5 and half feet.
- Land mine bar which rotates 0 to 90° vertically and 0 to 180° horizontally.
- It is used to train your shoulder, back, developing rotational stability and explosive core.
Exercise To Do:
- Landmine Squad
- Standing Twists
- Reverse Lunges
- Single Hand Shoulder Press
- Thruster
- Rotational Squad and Press
- T Bar Row
- Arm Row
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5. Dips Bar
- Diameter of rod 28 mm and 3 mm rubber grips of both handles.
- Narrow width of 597 mm and wide width of 419 mm.
- Bolted on the Rig with a square plate.
- Angular dips bar trains your triceps with a close grip and chest with a wide grip.
- It basically develops your shoulder forearms and lower core with different variations.
Exercise To Do:
- Chest Dips
- Triceps Dips
- Knee Raises
- Leg Raises
- L Sit Hold
6. Tyre Pulley
- Made of a small tyre attached to the Rig at a height of 9 feet with steel cable and a chain.
- The pulley is fixed with 2 bearing for rotational movement and can lift a weight around 70 to 80 kgs.
- A cable tyre pulley may be used for warmups of your upper body as it engages your triceps, shoulder, back and arms.
- User can add weight to the tyre as required.
Exercise To Do:
- Tricep Push Down
- Kneeling cable crunches
- L at pull down
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7. Climbing Ladder
- Made of a small tyre attached to the Rig at a height of 9 feet with steel cable and a chain.
- The pulley is fixed with 2 bearing for rotational movement and can lift a weight around 70 to 80 kgs.
- A cable tyre pulley may be used for warmups of your upper body as it engages your triceps, shoulder, back and arms.
- User can add weight to the tyre as required.
Exercise To Do:
- Tricep Push Down
- Kneeling cable crunches
- L at pull down
8. Battle Rope
- The rope is made up of Polysynthetic fiber.
- Ropes are available in various length ranging from 15 feets, 25 feets, 30 feets and upto50 feets.
- Rope diameter is available in 1.5’’ and 2’’.
- As length of rope increases the weight also increases which raises from 6 kgs to 23 kgs.
- Battle rope are used for fitness training to increase full body strength and conditioning.
- The ropes are thick and heavy to give significant resistance.
- It wears out each arm independently, overcoming strength imbalance.
- Benefits of using this is blast fat, sculpt muscles, increase mobility, fun to use without injury.
Exercise To Do:
- Alternating wave
- Double Wave
- Shoulder circles
- Snake rotation
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9. Multi grip Pull up bar
- The product is designed with 45 degree and 90 degree rod of diameter 28mm.
- The product is heavy duty in construction and can support up to 120 kg user weight.
- The bar has 5 various grip position which provide a serious conditioning to all major muscle groups of upper body.
- The product is designed to be used by beginners as well as pro level enthusiasts.
Exercise To Do:
- Used for pullups and chin ups with multiple grip variation.
- Can also be used for toes to bar, knee raises, etc.
10. Rotating X Bar
- The rotating X Bar as the name says rotates on a bearing mechanism fixed on both the ends which are then fitted to the main frame.
- It rotates as soon as the person catches the upper bar, as the weight comes down.
- Rotating bar is good for shoulder muscle as it continuously includes pulling movement from one level to other.
- It also increases the hanging power of a person with swinging motion.
Exercise To Do:
- Climbing for lower point to higher point.
- Switching the body freely while holding the bar.
- User can do multiple activities he is able to do on this bar.
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11. Jumping Board
- Made up of aluminum chucker plate bolted on rectangular frame which is again bolted to the crossfit rig.
- User can set the appropriate height he wants (size ranging from 30cm, 45cm, 60cm, 75cm)
- Rubber sheets can also be attached as per need.
- The jump board is a plyometric move that strengthens the lower body muscles, glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves.
- Jumps will help you become faster, more powerful, springier.
- If we do them more than few second, they will raise your heart rate and burn calories very quickly.
Exercise To Do:
- Box jumps
- Twisting box jumps
- Depth jumps to board jump
- Depth jumps to high jump
- Plyo step ups
- Step up and leg raise
12. Boxing Bag
- Made up of cloth (polyester fabric bag).
- Size 85cm (also available in 90,105,120,150,180 cm) as per requirement.
- Boxing is good for endurance as it works on entire body parts.
- It strengthens the upper body and core, improves balance and agility of a person.
- It also helps to cut down weight.
Exercise To Do:
- Punching the bag with proper gear like inner cloth belts and boxing glove.
- We can also do kick boxing with help of proper trained person.
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13. Roman Rings
- Made up of birch wood.
- Sold in set of 2 pieces.
- Set includes 2 nylon straps adjustable according to the user.
- Size of rings OD 23 cm, ID 18 cm, thickness 28mm.
- Strap length working 7.5 feet and 15 feet total length.
- Roman rings provide a good foundation for gymnastic strength building both for beginner and professional athlete.
- Rings can be used outdoor or indoor but not in rain as wood and the belts used are subjected to wear and tear.
Exercise To Do:
- Pushups, muscle up, dips etc.
- We can do plenty of exercises with multiple variation with the help of proper trainer. Example: Arms, chest, triceps, leg raise, tucked front lever pullups, skin the cat.
14. Squat Bar/ Shoulder/ Arms/ Chest Free Bar
- Free Bar of 8 kgs, Dia.28mm rod of length 6 feets.
- Plates of 5kgs, 7kgs, 10kgs, 15kgs available as per requirements.
- Multi-purpose weight lifting adjustable bench.
- Height of the free bar is fully adjustable according to the user from knee to shoulder level.
Exercise To Do:
- With the help of free weighted bar one can do strength training of his shoulders, back, legs and chest with help of bench.
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15. Climbing Rope
- It is a jute rope of diameter 36mm or 1.5’’ and10 to 15 feet in height.
- It has an iron handle design to be attached on a sturdy rod which can hold weight around 120 kgs.
- From gym, military training and cross fit, rope climbing exercises are done for upper body strength and also core.
- Rope climbing strengthens arms, shoulder, triceps, core, forearms and solid hand grips.
Exercise To Do:
- Rope climb
- Rope rows
- Rope tricep extensions
- Rope pullup
- One arm rope pull